Should I Fix Small Chip in Windshield?
Cracked windshields might seem harmless at first glance; however, driving with one significantly decreases visibility while increasing your risk of an accident. Therefore, a qualified auto glass technician must address any chip or crack as quickly as possible.
Windshield cracks and chips can be caused by numerous sources, from debris flung from other cars and dropped stones from trucks to extreme weather conditions. Although seemingly minor damages may seem inconsequential, even small areas of damage can quickly spread and compromise the integrity of your windshield, necessitating an eventual replacement costing significantly less than purchasing an entirely new windshield replacement kit from any auto parts store. In many instances, minor windshield chips can easily be repaired with windshield repair kits purchased locally for less than the full replacement cost associated with full replacement costs – for much lower than expected replacement cost estimates!
No matter the severity of the damage to your vehicle, there are numerous DIY kits designed specifically to repair surface pits and cracks available at automotive parts stores specifically intended for DIY drivers. These kits include an adhesive patch and plastic pedestal to seal the resin into damaged windshield areas. For best results with the windshield repair kit, peel away the paper backing from an adhesive patch to expose one side and apply it firmly over a windshield chip or crack. Next, place and press down on a molded pedestal over your break so it fits completely and level; fill this pedestal with the liquid resin provided and press over your broken windshield area until all gaps or chips have been sealed with resin.
Once the resin has been set, remove the pedestal and wash away any residual adhesive residue with water. Ensure the weather is warm and sunny so the adhesive resin sets quickly; that way, when complete, you’ll have a brand-new windshield with no cracks or chips that might limit visibility while driving.
One telltale sign to replace your windshield is when its damage falls directly in the driver’s line of sight, as this requires full replacement. Furthermore, cracks should always be addressed since they could become long cracks that obstruct the driving view, potentially weakening the vehicle’s structural integrity if ignored for too long. Therefore it’s always wise to allow an auto glass expert to inspect the damage to determine if repairing is viable or requires replacement.
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