How Do I Stop My Windshield Crack From Getting Bigger?
Cracked windshields can become an increasing safety risk over time. If a crack large enough to impair vision appears on your windshield, it must be addressed as quickly as possible – quick fixes exist to stop its spread until professional windshield repair or replacement service can be scheduled for repair or replacement services.
As the initial step, use glass cleaner or rubbing alcohol to thoroughly clean the area around a crack to eliminate dust and dirt that could worsen its severity and stop any additional stresses like water from entering it and further compounding damage.
Once the crack has been cleaned thoroughly, apply a thin coat of clear tape over its entirety to create an invisible shield against outside elements and debris, including dust accumulation which could worsen and make repairs harder to make. It also prevents dirt from entering through cracks which could worsen them further and be harder to treat than anticipated.
Windshield cracks often form due to stressors such as temperature changes, vibrations, and pressure. These factors may result from using defrosters or heaters on your car’s windshield; keeping it covered during inactive periods will help limit temperature fluctuations from having an effect on crack formation; it is also wise to avoid driving on rough or gravel roads to limit sudden, unpredictable movements that might damage it further.
One way to stop windshield cracks from spreading further is to drill a small dimple at one end of the crack line to create an endpoint. This method comes in handy when trying to limit a long crack that runs from the edge of the windshield. You can use standard glass drill bits available at hardware, tool, or auto repair stores; if, however, the crack has already grown too large for this to stop further damage, it may not suffice.
If you don’t own a glass drill, another way to stop cracks from spreading is using household products containing cyanoacrylate glue (sometimes known as “super glue”) to prevent expansion. Apply it carefully on both sides of the crack, gently forcing in any extra glue as required, and allow it to dry before driving your vehicle again. Clear nail polish can also work effectively and is reported as just as effective.
Remember that these temporary solutions should only be used as emergencies until professional repairs can be performed on your windshield. If a crack extends beyond six inches long or significantly limits visibility, wait to drive until you can get to a shop and have it professionally repaired.